The principle of payroll software is to make things easier and computerize the process of paying the employees. Payroll software is used to speed up the payroll process, save time and to eliminate errors.
The payroll procedure includes responsibilities such as pay using direct deposit to employee’s bank account, producing pay slips, computing deductions, and employee remuneration, calculating and filing employment taxes, voiding payments if needed, producing reports, and even generating checks. It is very important that the payroll process is done right.
One Stop Accounting is the leading payroll software provider in Singapore they have a wide range of business software. Payroll software may come as a standalone platform or as part of a comprehensive ERP, accounting, or HR package. Whatever its deployment or type, it normally is capable of integrating with other systems like accounting or HR to facilitate the payroll process. One of the payroll software is EZ Payroll which can be linked to EZ Accounting, similarly, Sage_Ubs Accounting which can link to its Sage_Ubs Payroll too which makes it easy for an accountant to view whole company expense easily in profit and loss reporting real time.
Advantages of using Payroll Software