ACCPAC Accounting System
An overview about the features of ACCPAC Accounting System
The ACCPAC accounting for Windows Series is a Windows accounting software that provides a comprehensive business management solution for corporate accounting environments. The most important features are:
- Powerful analysis and reporting tools for accounting, finance, and auditing end users.
- Comprehensive accounting feature set with separate accounting modules that can integrate with other Windows accounting platforms and with MS Office programs.
- Multicurrency and multilingual support.
- Multi-user options / can be implemented in network environment.
- Extensive customization options on data / forms / reports.
- Total scalability – upgradation to the higher edition is easy without the need for data conversion or staff retraining; the accounting system has all editions that have same user interface and use same database design.
- Completely web-based – access to accounting software system using standard Web browser.
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